Thursday, July 31, 2014

Surviving Colds and Viruses Naturally

                            Our Essential Oils first aid kit

When your hubby or little ones are sick it's never easy. You hate seeing them inpain and you want to help them recover ASAP, and being sick yourself can make it even more complicated.

The first thing most folks will do is call the doctor for antibiotics but that destroys all of the good bacteria in your stomach and digestive system, so before you do that try these great natural remedies for flu, colds, rashes, viruses, fevers etc.

For colds we make sure to load up on vitamin C. We have Children's gummies, chewable supplements, and fresh fruits to give us options for a good source of vitamin C. Then water and lots of rest is all you need to fight it naturally.

For the common flu we take vitamin C, and chicken broth to stay hydrated when we can't even keep water down. We also take a teaspoon of liquid silver daily and that easily fights bacteria that causes the runs or upset stomach.

For the viruses we've experienced such as hfmd, fifths disease, yeast infections, and average diaper rashes, aside from daily baths and changing diapers often, lavender and melaleuca oil make great antibacterials as well as diffusing thieves oil to defeat any airborne viruses.

For stuffy noses I have a great herbal balm that I rub on the chest and throat to open up the airways.

My son is very energetic and fearless when it comes to his way of pplaying around and expending energy, asa result he bumps his head quite a bit, so I carry Arnica gel in our kit to use in case he gets a goose egg on his head, this stuff is great at rapidly reducing swelling! I hope some of this helps you out when you are under the weather and don't have access to many methods of medicine.

Being in the truck on the road has made me rethink what I put in my emergency kit/first aid kit. Read my post about a natural first aid kit in order to see what I keep in mine while on the road.

-Miranda Wood

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